Ever since I was a small
child I have had a fascination
with the mystical unicorn, being a fire horse in Chinese
Astrological years I'm sure has had an influence *s* (for
more on Fire horses see my Astrology Links page.)
Over the last year I've been amazed how many people are
intrigued by Unicorns. I think we can keep them alive n
Kicking by believing in them!
So Welcome and enjoy some
of the pictures of the noble beast
and of course a poem.
A silver shadow flits through the night,
Just a glimpse of it will make you question your sight,
For it is a creature of mythical delight.
Lost from the World for centuries,
The Unicorn who once stood so proudly.
With its horn proudly piercing the air,
It was then a creature to fear ...
Alas as with so many creatures of old.
It has been forever lost to this world.
Yet the magic it created still remains,
I feel the magic of the beast run in my veins.
Run through the forest in my dreams.
Nothing is ever as it seems.
Cause there are different realities,
That only the tuned in can see,
A place where the enlightened can be free.
Where faeries, elves and spirits play,
And the Unicorn can freely graze.
Weave its magic way,
Appear from out of the gloom,
Be free once more to roam ... CJA
Fabulous beast of untamed
An embodiment of noble pride, purity of spirit and
mysterious powers.
Strangers to mankind, unicorns dwelt far away from
Seeking out mountains, forests, places where magic might
still be found.
The unicorn would miraculously appear to the purest of
In whose presence it would become truly gentle.
Only then would it share its magic with these who
believed in its glorious power.
The Home
of the Unicorns: The unicorn has been a
topic of wonder and speculation for centuries. The
writings of such men as Aristotle, Genghis Khan, Saint
Thomas, and Saint Gregory reflect the fact that these men
considered the unicorn as a very real creature.
Here's a new picture!!
I'm sorry to say that I don't know who the wonderful
artist is, except it looks like there's a unicorn running
round loose on waiheke Island off the coast Of Auckland
New Zealand!